Engine Room Bilge Well
| Date: November 2019 | Location: Offshore Floating Facility | Duration: 2 weeks | Manpower: 8 pax |
The cleaning was performed utilizing the Supavac SV60V solid/slurry pumping system to vacuum and remove sludge/debris from the very tight space

Sodium Hypochlorite Generator Maintenance
| Date: September 2017 | Location: Sabah | Duration: 5 days | Manpower: 3 pax |
| Capacity: 8kg/hr | Maker: AMPAC-PEPCON | Scope of Work: Scheduled Maintenance Chemical Cleaning |

Oil/Sludge Processing Facility
| Date: November 2018 | Location: Johor | Duration: 2 weeks | Manpower: 10 pax | Average Daily Production: 60 ton to 80 ton per 8 hour |
The cleaning was performed utilizing the Supavac SV110V solid/slurry pumping system to vacuum and remove sludge/debris

Sewage Treatment System Maintenance
| Date: February 2020 | Location: Malacca Strait | Duration: 5 Days | Manpower: 5 pax |
Scope of work: 1. Pumping of sludge into IBC tank for disposal onshore 2. Cleaning of internal/external compartment/equipment and painting of damaged coating areas. 3. Testing of alarm and trips. 4. Chemical flushing of vent pipes 5. Calibration of chlorine and de-chlorination dosing. 6. Sampling collection and laboratory analysis on monthly basis.

Oil Water Separator Maintenance
| Date: February 2020 | Location: Malacca Strait | Duration: 5 Days | Manpower: 5 pax |
Scope of work: 1. Pump remaining oil/sludge to IBC tank located on main deck for disposal onshore. 2. Removal of internal components for cleaning/renewal. 3. De-greasing and cleaning of internal compartment and top covers. 4. Power brush, sanding and painting 3 coats. 5. Reinstall internal components and top cover.

Wet Abrasive Blasting
| Date: August 2018 | Location: Pasir Gudang | Duration: 30 Days | Manpower: 24 pax |

Jack Up Rig Mud Pumping
| Date: April 2019 | Location: Pasir Gudang | Duration: 5 Days | Manpower: 12 pax |
Scope of work: Spudcan mud pumping x 3 units Estimate mud quantity = 150 tons Equipment = 1 x Supavac SX60V & 1 x Supavac SX110V (8 meters negative suction head)

MGO/HFO Tank Cleaning
| Date: April 2018 | Location: Offshore Floating Facility | Duration: 5 Days | Manpower: 7 pax |
Equipment: 1. Guzzla SX110V x 1 unit 2. Wilden Pump x 1 unit 3. Air Compressor x 1 unit 4. Chemical x 1 lot 5. Tank cleaning accessories and consumables x 1 lot

Auxiliary Condenser End Covers Recoating
| Date: March 2019 | Location: Offshore Floating Facility | Duration: 2 weeks | Manpower: 6 pax|
| Product: ARCOR EE12HT | DFT: >1000 Micron | Surface Prep: Mechanical Scraping, Power Brush, Wet Abrasive Blasting & Dry Sweep Blasting to achive S.A 2.5|

Vessel Cleaning
| Date: October 2016 | Location: Sabah | Duration: 12 days | Manpower: 11 pax (24h operation) |
| Number of vessel : 5 | Equipment: 2 Unit SX60V Sludge and Slurry Pump c/w hose & accessories | Volume of sand/sludge removed: 180m3 |

LNG Carrier DO/HFO Tank Cleaning
| Date: July 2017 | Location: Pasir Gudang | Duration: 6 days | Manpower: 5 pax |
| Equipment: 1 Unit SX110V, 1 Unit Wilden pump, 1 Lot Tank Cleaning Accessories | Tank pumping: 30 Tons HFO & 110 Tons Sludge |

LNG Carrier Ballast Tank Mud Removal & Cleaning
| Date: July 2017 | Location: Pasir Gudang | Duration: 6 days | Manpower: 30 pax |
| Equipment: 3 Unit SX110V, 1 Unit Wilden pump, 1 Lot Tank Cleaning Accessories | Total Weight of Mud: 1300 tonnes |